Monday, June 8, 2009


This is how meal time works in 2009. At least in our house. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I don't. The "it" I'm referring to is the fact that my husband does most of the cooking. Times when I've tried to participate, it hasn't gone over too well.

Scenario #1: Tobasco Sauce to the Rescue

-This is when I try to cook and my food either tastes bland, or either under or overcooked. This is also when Dave swallows a bite of food, then promptly races to the cabinet to grab some tobasco sauce, which he pours liberally over the remainder of everything else on his plate.

Scenario #2: Second in Command

-This is when I go to the store and pick up the ingredients, sometimes I'll get home and Dave will say "Oh I already bought us some chicken for tonight. Or, I think we still have some leftover broccoli from the other night..." And then as I unpack everything, he takes inventory of what else I got. It's irritating, and it makes me want to stop cooking before I even start.

Scenario #3: Why Do I Try?

- This is when I call Dave BEFORE I go to the store, to avoid scenario #1. In response, I often get a "Well I thought we might do taco night instead, there's some fresh meat in the fridge. Or, maybe we could go out, since we've eaten at home the past few nights." This defeats the effort I was trying to make, of going to the store, of handling it. And so, I ask myself, why do I try?

The result of all this? ... There are times when I'm grateful my husband is capable of and good at cooking. It comes in handy when I'm too tired after work, or when I'm half-way through a recipe and have messed everything up but he knows how to fix it. I also know that down the road when we have kids and I'm running them to and from after school activities, it will be reassuring to know that Dave can handle the cooking. But then there are times when I wish he would just step aside and let me learn. Everybody has to start somewhere. If it doesn't taste good--sorry, but at least pretend! And as far as duplicating items we've bought from the grocery store...I really don't know how to approach that. People say "oh we both cook" to me all the time. But how? How do you share something that requires so much individual attention to detail? So much prep work? So many little decisions along the way? We both lead busy, working lives. To communicate back and forth on who's going to the store, and when, and what needs to be bought vs. what doesn't, is just too time-consuming!

Ideas, anyone?

Oh, and notice the poll on the left side of the blog. I'm curious if there's anyone out there in my shoes!

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